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Our organization’s presence in the federal court system has been critical in conserving America’s fisheries. CCA has a legal defense fund that has been used to defend net bans and bycatch reduction devices, support pro-fisheries legislation and battle arbitrary, federal no-fishing zones.

Through broad-based recreational angler and membership support, a strong legal and legislative presence, more than 20 years of experience, and vision for the future of U.S. and global marine resources, CCA will continue to battle for the health and longevity of our coastal fisheries and recreational anglers’ interests in them.

CCA Texas has a registered lobbyist in Austin and retains a hydrologist, water attorney, federal lobbyist and Gulf-fisheries consultant to supplement the effectiveness and strength of its advocacy work. From the state capital to Capitol Hill, CCA Texas is making a difference in the conservation, enhancement and longevity of our coastal marine resources.

CLICK HERE to take action on current advocacy issues.

CCA National

The following links will re-direct you to our national CCA website.

To view all of the advocacy projects across the nation, please click HERE

To take action on current federal issues, please click HERE

For more information on our advocacy team, please click HERE