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CCA Staffers Once Again Nab Top Awards

By March 3, 2015News

Texas Outdoor Writers Association (TOWA) Communication Awards

A big congratulations to CCA Staffers who seized top honors at this year’s TOWA communication awards!

Outdoor Illustration/Graphic
First place:
Sam Caldwell, “Nearshore Reefing in Action,” Currents Newsletter, June/July 2014
Judges’ Comments: “Beautiful and informative!”

Outdoor Publication – Over 25,000
First place:
TIDE” – submitted by Ted Venker, Editor.
Judges’ Comments: “’TIDE’ has superlative photography and design…”

Outdoors Feature – Open
Honorable Mention:
Pat Murray, “Don’t Take Your Kid Fishing,” “TIDE” Magazine, May 2014
Judges’ Comments: “Murray’s “Don’t Take Your Kid Fishing” is full of irony for a man as dedicated to fishing as he is.”

Special Projects – Conservation
Second Place: Pat Murray, “Conservation Partners Dig Deep to open Cedar Bayou,” May 2014
Third Place: Pat Murray, “Conservation Finds a New Stage,” March 2014
Judges’ Comments: “…Murray’s work is significant and appreciated and made this a tough category to judge.”

Original Internet Story Blog
Second Place: Ted Venker, “Allow Meeting for Bluefin? Brilliant!”, Aug. 7, 2014
Judges’ Comments: “Venker Reminds us of the need to include recreational fishing in all discussions related to the sport and industry.”

The primary purpose of TOWA is to improve knowledge and skill among its members in the art of communication through the written or spoken word and through art, illustration and photography. TOWA strives to increase public awareness, understanding and appreciation of our outdoor heritage in the use and enjoyment of our natural resources. To learn more, please visit the TOWA website: