Register for the 2023 CCA Texas STAR Tournament!
By Bill Kinney, CCA Texas STAR Tournament Director
Many moons ago, the CCA Board—already addicted to saltwater fishing, realized how powerful the magnet that pulls us to savor what Texas coastal waters have to offer. Farsighted men and women could only conclude that the allure of the “salt” would increase over time; after all, you can put a 7-year-old on a 20” redfish, then move on to the next kid. Or a full-grown adult throwing a topwater that suddenly blows up, yanking, from a violent headshake by a chunky silver lady. Both anglers are hooked, for life.
The pressure is on and continues. More and more folks are experiencing the thrills of our sport. CCA Texas saw long ago that we must harness this enthusiasm and channel the passion into caring for and managing our beloved resources. We knew we’d need the help of others who benefit off the backs of our volunteer efforts to make this work. We knew the coast, the fishing, and the catching gets in your blood, but the number one reason why people fish is to be with family and friends. We also knew that all charities need to attract attention to recruit believers, like a membership drive, to stay meaningful and grow our mission in marine conservation.

But, no really, make sure you register for the 2023 CCA Texas STAR Tournament!
What started in Texas some 40+ years ago has attracted a groundswell of support with CCA chapters emerging from all US coastal states. It is rare indeed to witness a non-profit organization operate where virtually any member can have an idea that travels directly to the top. If worthy to pursue, it is made to happen, all for the benefit of the resource.
There is a reason why the Texas fisheries are regarded among the best in the country. Working with industry leaders and managers such as Dow and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, CCA Texas has built the two largest, warmwater, saltwater fish hatcheries in the world and released almost one billion fingerlings into Texas coastal waters. That’s with a B, and they both belong to Texas. Even with the devastating 2021 freeze, such immediate proactive measures on the part of ALL vested parties—industry, fishery managers, and particularly conservation-minded anglers—helped and now it would appear trout numbers are starting to normalize. Of course, dumping almost 14 million baby trout back into the bays in the trailing 12 months will do a heck of a job to supplement the wild stocks. We applaud the ethic of CCA members to mobilize these efforts. It does take a village. All working together. For the fish.
Fish first. This is the rallying cry behind everything we do. More fish requires more pristine habitat. CCA has funded almost $10 million through 2022 in habitat projects that include nearshore reefing, shoreline stabilization and protection, marsh and oyster reef restoration, bay debris removal, and even weed eradication to improve water flow. None of this happens without volunteers, the lifeblood of conservation. CCA Texas is extremely proud of the many, many selfless outdoors men, women, and kids who contribute to this work for our precious shorelines and estuaries. Being a member and rolling up our sleeves for chapter duty or various projects is highly infectious and shows what teamwork can create.

CCA Texas Assistant Director Drew Adams, and his son Ketch, trying their luck. Getting young anglers involved ensures the future of our organization.
We are always looking for ways to get families together to share in the fruits of our labors. You can bet that if we don’t get these kids hooked all right, we’ll all be fishing dead water 20 years from now. More members, young and old, add more clout to our impact on all our advocacy issues; hence, we needed a recruitment tool.
So the CCA State of Texas Anglers Rodeo (STAR) was born in 1990. Like the spirit that drove this outdoor brotherhood together, plans were ambitious and Texas-sized. Build a fun, wholesome event for the entire family and offer magnum prizes to build awareness and attract folks to join us in what we really do. To this day, STAR operates on a zero-budget meaning whatever is raised is spent on prizes and scholarships, and media pointing to what CCA is all about. We did not realize it would become “the largest, richest, longest saltwater tournament anywhere”, so some say. Those who want a shot at many driveway-sized prizes must first become a CCA member, that’s the hook. Pun intended.
You can’t offer prizes of this magnitude (well over $1,000,000, including $325,000 in scholarships) without damn fine partners. We cannot overstate our appreciation and the need for corporate sponsors who care about the future vitality of Texas’ 600 miles of shoreline. There are many who invest to see our work succeed, both those who have a direct vested interest and those who benefit indirectly from this estimated $3 billion dollar industry in saltwater alone. More fish = more fishing = more sales of more rods, reels, boats, trucks, condos, etc. The healing power of the coastal environment testifies to why some estimates say over half of the Texas population lives within 50 miles of the water.
Yes, this is big business for so many Texans, and those who contribute to making it happen should be rewarded for their altruism; otherwise, we ALL lose and the caretaking needed to ensure our bays and estuaries are vibrant with life will be for naught. CCA will not let that happen, with your help.
Fishing is still the #1 recreational sport in the country. It will remain so if the fish are there. And they are. Join CCA Texas. Enter the STAR Tournament. If you have a vacation window, book a condo for the fam on the coast. Grab some rods, and even Uncle Ned if he wants to go. Get out there and get in it. See why we feel the mystique of what our spectacular God-given coastlines can offer. Good Luck.
Remember, you must be a current CCA member & registered in the Tournament to win.

Fish with No Tagrets…

…Register for the 2023 CCA Texas STAR Tournament Today!