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Coastal Advocacy Adventures Podcast – Episode 40: Dagger Island featuring Paul Silva

By August 6, 2020 News, Podcasts


Dagger Island is an island in Nueces County, Texas and part of Aransas Pass, Texas.

At one point in time, Dagger Island was a nearly continuous-solid island separating Corpus Christi Bay and Redfish Bay. Erosion, primarily from increased ship traffic to the Port of Corpus Christi, has decreased the size of the island and broken it into a chain of smaller islands. This decline altered the function and values provided to the Redfish Bay system, including protection of large stands of seagrasses, which are important for water quality in the bay. In this episode, Shane and John Blaha talk to Paul Silva of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, the lead biologist for the Dagger Island and Ransom Island Restoration Project. For more information – click here.