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Fox Investigation into the Galveston Bay McGinnis Pits

By March 7, 2017 April 18th, 2018 Advocacy, News, Podcasts

Greg Groogan of Fox26 News recently published a story on the sludge pits adjacent to West Galveston Bay (West Bay), known by locals as the “McGinnis Pits”. The information brought to light by this investigation is troubling and certainly warrants concern for recreational anglers that enjoy harvesting sportsfish from West Bay.

The McGinnis Pits are located adjacent to the Intracoastal Waterway in between Halls Bayou and Carancahua Lake directly across the bay from Jamaica Beach, and currently there is a seafood consumption advisory for all species of catfish in West Galveston Bay. According to the Department of State Health Services, speckled trout, redfish and flounder harvested from these waters are still safe to consume.

CCA Texas does not want another environmental disaster like the San Jacinto Waste Pits Superfund Site to tarnish our treasured coastal resources and impact the health of so many that enjoy living and recreating around Galveston Bay. We implore the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to ensure that these pits are maintained according to best management practices and that they are safeguarded from any environmental events such as coastal flooding and hurricanes. We also urge the Department of State Health Services to continue to aggressively monitor West Bay for dioxins and PCBs. Rest assured, CCA Texas will continue to conserve, promote and enhance coastal resources for the benefit and enjoyment of the general public.