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Guest Speaker LCDR Jason P. Brand Presents to CCA Texas Board

By May 22, 2015 News

Informative Discussion on the Mexican Lancha Threat
and its Economic Impact

On Tuesday, May 19, special guest Lieutenant Commander Jason P. Brand, Deputy Law Enforcement Chief for Coast Guard District Eight, gave a presentation to the CCA Texas Executive Board of Directors. This presentation detailed the Mexican lancha threat and its economic impact.

As the Deputy Law Enforcement Chief, LCDR Brand is responsible for Coast Guard law enforcement operations and policy oversight throughout the region, including counter-drug operations, alien-migrant interdiction, international border engagements, and living marine resources/marine protected species enforcement missions. He represents Coast Guard District Eight at the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council, Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, and the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission.

Click Here to view the Eighth Coast Guard District’s presentation on the Mexican lancha threat.