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Coastal Advocacy Adventures Podcast – Episode 37: Decline of the Southern Flounder

By | Advocacy, Podcasts

Listen in to the 3rd annual flounder discussion with Kevin Burns and Wayne Pedigo. Shane and the guys talk about the continued decline of southern flounder stocks and some potential options to help recover the fishery to historical numbers. Disclaimer – at the time of recording this podcast none of the thoughts shared are official proposals for management changes.

Coastal Advocacy Adventures Podcast – Episode 35: Oyster Mariculture

By | Oysters, Podcasts

Dr. Fox is Chair for Marine Resource Development at Harte Research Institute and Brad is the president and founder of Water Street Restaurants. Both of these dudes are passionate about oysters and are working with numerous partners (including CCA Texas) to bring a new industry to the Texas Coast – Oyster Mariculture. Special thanks to the Texas Restaurant Association, Representative Todd Hunter, and Senator Lois Kolkhorst for championing this legislation. Have a listen to learn more.

Coastal Advocacy Adventures Podcast – Episode 33: The Speckled Truth

By | Podcasts, Uncategorized

Shane Bonnot and John Blaha talk with Chris Bush, the mastermind behind The Speckled Truth (http://www.thespeckledtruth.com/). The Speckled Truth is your one stop shop for tips, tactics, insights, and conservation-minded content for catching (and releasing) big trout.

Subjects discussed: Trout conservation, collecting catch data on large trout, lunar phases, finding fishing spots, arty vs live bait mentality, and trout behavior.

Coastal Advocacy Adventures Podcast – Episode 26: Half Moon Reef

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Mark Dumesnil, Dr. Jennifer Pollack, Bill Balboa, Dave Buzan and Captain Bink Grimes sit down to talk about Half Moon Reef, 54-acres of restored oyster habitat in Matagorda Bay. In 2013, the Nature Conservancy partnered with the Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Texas General Land Office, Texas A&M University, and private foundations on a multi-year project to restore Half Moon Reef. Today, it stands as one of the largest oyster restoration projects in the country.