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CCA Texas supports flounder conservation measures

By February 26, 2020 Advocacy, News

The CCA Texas State Board of Directors voted on Tuesday February 25, 2020 to support Texas Parks and Wildlife’s proposed measures to conserve southern flounder. The full position reads as follows:

CCA Texas asks that TPWD adopt a management strategy that increases spawning stock biomass and conserves the spawning aggregate. We recommend that TPWD raise the minimum size to 15-inches and close all flounder fishing from November 1 – December 31 to fully realize the benefits of spawning aggregate conservation during the most critical point of their life stage. CCA Texas stresses the need for TPWD to further address underreporting of flounder landings by commercial finfish license holders by improving accountability, enforcement, and/or improved tracking of landings.

The continued decline of southern flounder across their geographic range is well documented by fishery managers from Texas to North Carolina – Click here to read our latest TIDE article detailing the plight of the southern flounder fishery. Also, please visit our flounder information and resources page to learn more about southern flounder biology, life history and fishery trends.