We all want more oysters, and in the process of considering management options for the fishery, we need to prioritize the value of oyster IN the water.
We have witnessed excessive loss of previously wadable reefs in Galveston Bay, Matagorda Bay, San Antonio Bay, Mesquite Bay, Carlos Bay, Aransas Bay and Copano Bay.
The value and services oyster reefs provide are undeniable. Oyster reefs…
While resilient, the oyster fishery has limitations and we must be proactive in our efforts to improve its sustainability and promote reef growth.
Photo Courtesy of John Blaha
Solutions to healthy and sustainable Texas oyster fishery include…
We all want more oysters, and in the process of considering management options for the fishery, we need to prioritize the value of oyster IN the water.
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) is seeking public input on a proposed regulation change to prohibit the harvest of oysters in Carlos Bay, Mesquite Bay and Ayres Bay (Mesquite Bay complex).
At their March 23-24 meeting, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (TPWC) will consider prohibiting the harvest of oysters in Carlos Bay, Mesquite Bay, and Ayres Bay.
“This closing is based on samples recently collected by TPWD showing low abundance of legal-sized oysters.”
“We want MORE oysters. If you had to boil it down, the whole conversation, two words: more oysters.”
“This closing is based on samples recently collected by TPWD showing low abundance of legal-sized oysters.”
“This closing is based on samples recently collected by TPWD showing low abundance of legal-sized oysters.”
“This closing is based on samples recently collected by TPWD showing low abundance of legal-sized oysters.”
“This closing is based on samples recently collected by TPWD showing low abundance of legal-sized oysters.”
Episode 46, Shane and John Blaha sit down with retired Texas Game Wardens and Rockport, Texas residents Michael Weiss and Scott McLeod for an honest and frank conversation about the status of our Texas oyster fishery, their concerns regarding management, and the crucial issues surrounding it.
“This closing is based on samples recently collected by TPWD showing low abundance of legal-sized oysters.”
CCA Texas Advocacy Director Shane Bonnot briefed the chapter about the critical concerns we have over the continued decline of our oyster fishery and how CCA Texas is taking action.