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WATCH – FlatsWorthy on Cedar Reef

By October 17, 2022 News, Oysters

WATCH: FlatsWorthy on Cedar Reef – Please take just a little over 2 minutes to hear what they have to say!

“A prime example of a baffle reef is Cedar Reef which spans the bay between San José and Bludworth Islands. It’s the most intact component within the system of five baffle reefs that we’re trying to protect. It does have a weak point or two that we should restore so it can effectively slow the flow of water coming out of San Antonio and Espiritu Santo Bays through Mesquite into Carlos and ultimately into Aransas Bay. Cedar Reef deserves to be a sanctuary so it will not be further degraded by man or by nature. It has served us well for a long time and should continue to do so.”

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) is accepting public comment for the proposal to prohibit oyster harvest from Carlos, Mesquite and Ayres Bays (Mesquite Bay Complex). CCA Texas SUPPORTS this proposal to conserve ecologically sensitive and unique oyster habitat for future generations.

Make YOUR VOICE HEARD by supporting the TPWD proposal! Here’s how YOU can help!

You can also learn more by visiting RescueOurReefs.org