CCA Texas’s commitment enabled HRI to purchase a new bay boat that is optimized for use under everyday weather conditions in Baffin Bay.
CCA Texas’s commitment enabled HRI to purchase a new bay boat that is optimized for use under everyday weather conditions in Baffin Bay.
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) is seeking public comments on proposed coastwide Spotted Seatrout harvest regulation modifications. Additional background information, CCA Texas’ full position SUPPORTING the TPWD proposal, and more included here.
“During their discussion with TPWD staff, it was clear that the Commission is concerned about the remnant effects of the 2021 freeze, elevated pressure on the resource, and the overall trajectory of the fishery,” stated Shane Bonnot, CCA Texas Advocacy Director. “Most notably, for the past 3 years, spring gill net catch rates in the Matagorda and San Antonio Bay Systems have experienced approximately 30% declines from the previous 10-yr mean and that alone warrants expeditious action.”
Oysters play a vital role in our ecosystems, our recreational fisheries and our communities. Alongside an entire team of marine biologists and a stellar film crew – CCA, Mossy Oak and AFTCO have put together a short film highlighting the importance of our oyster reefs and the critters that call them home.
Congratulations to the Corpus Christi Chapter for hosting another AWESOME Poco Rojo Fishing Tournament for the kiddos!
The CCA Aransas Bay Chapter recently teamed up with Keep Aransas County Beautiful to host this annual cleanup where dedicated volunteers removed awful garbage from our beautiful coast.
Redfish nearly disappeared from our state’s coast, but now, they’re thriving, and Texas is known as the redfish state. Why? 14 anglers in Houston got together to save them and leave an incredible impact on our Texas coast.
Out on the water this summer, make no doubt about it, days and days of temperatures above 100 degrees in many places made it pretty sporty to endure a full day on the water, but CCA members are known for doing whatever it takes to make just one more cast, and that perseverance paid off in 2023. This year, 30 percent more STAR-tagged redfish were caught up and down the coast, from Sabine to South Padre.
1 mile of beach cleaned and cleared of trash thanks to the help of the Golden Triangle and Sabine-Neches Chapters!
We raised critical funds that will help ensure the health and conservation of our marine resources and anglers’ access to them here in Texas.
Angler participation in this scoping process is paramount as TPWD considers future management of Spotted Seatrout.
CCA Texas is honored to announce H-E-B, a Texas icon since 1905, as a proud Partner in Conservation! We greatly appreciate their commitment to our vision of ensuring the health and conservation of our marine resources and anglers’ access to them here in Texas.