Shane Bonnot and John Blaha talk with Chris Bush, the mastermind behind The Speckled Truth (http://www.thespeckledtruth.com/). The Speckled Truth is your one stop shop for tips, tactics, insights, and conservation-minded content for catching (and releasing) big trout.
Subjects discussed: Trout conservation, collecting catch data on large trout, lunar phases, finding fishing spots, arty vs live bait mentality, and trout behavior.
CCA Texas is opposed TPDES Permit No. WQ0005253000, to authorize the discharge of water treatment wastes at a daily average flow of not to exceed 95,600,000 gallons per day into the Corpus Christi Channel. The Port of Corpus Christi Authority of Nueces County proposes to permit and/or operate a desalination facility on Harbor Island with a discharge in the Corpus Christi Channel across from Port Aransas (see application details). You can lend your voice in opposition by clicking here. Be sure to reference Permit Number WQ0005253000. See below for CCA Texas comments on this permit.
WQ0005253000 CCA Texas Comments
Update 2-28-2019: TCEQ will hold a public meeting for this permit on April 8, 2019 at 7:00 PM. Port Aransas Civic Center 710 W. Avenue A. Port Aransas, Texas 78373 Continue Reading
In this episode, Kacee Bones and her husband Stephen open up their home to discuss sheonthefly.com, Hurricane Harvey, sight cast fishing on the middle coast, destination fly fishing trips, and recent on-goings at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge.
Wonder what Texas Parks and Wildlife is proposing to protect our public oyster reefs? Have a listen to this episode to find out!
Shane is a guest on the Moore Outdoors Radio Show (KLVI AM 560) and talks with Chester about efforts to protect our public oyster reefs. Chester Moore hosts his radio show on Friday evenings at 6 p.m. so be sure to check him out on iheartradio.
What’s the best way to wrap up a surf fishing trip? Well, at Kitty’s Purple Cow of course! In this episode we sit down with Paul Thorburn and Andrew Bruhl of Gulf Coast Outdoors at Kitty’s Purple Cow in Surfside Beach to discuss Gulf Coast Outdoors, surf fishing, the power of social media, the topwater bite, school interfering with fishing, kayaking and the Gulf Coast fishing culture. Ms. Kitty even joins in the fun to tell us about her awesome establishment.
Shane Bonnot, Charriss and Derek York, Ron and Spence McNamara, and David Dellapenna talk about the Sea Star Base Galveston and the Texas Brigades – Coastal Brigade Program. What is Coastal Brigade? Tune in to this podcast to learn all about this summer program located at an awesome facility on the banks of Offatts Bayou.
In this episode we sit down with Captains Jerry West (www.slipawayonthebay.com/) and Matagordamatt David (www.captmatagordamatt.com/) to talk about fishing in East Matagorda Bay, 5-fish bag limits on speckled trout, what it takes to become a fishing guide, competition in the guide business, boater etiquette and much more.
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