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Monthly Archives

April 2018

Coastal Advocacy Adventures Podcast – Episode 26: Half Moon Reef

Mark Dumesnil, Dr. Jennifer Pollack, Bill Balboa, Dave Buzan and Captain Bink Grimes sit down to talk about Half Moon Reef, 54-acres of restored oyster habitat in Matagorda Bay. In 2013, the Nature Conservancy partnered with the Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Texas General Land Office, Texas A&M University, and private foundations on a multi-year project to restore Half Moon Reef. Today, it stands as one of the largest oyster restoration projects in the country.

Recreational Anglers Will Receive the Longest Red Snapper Season in Recent Years

For immediate release
Contact: Shane Bonnot
(713) 626-4222

HOUSTON, Texas – (April 17, 2018) – Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) have agreed upon a modified version of the Red Snapper Exempted Fishing Permit (EFP), securing a red snapper season for 2018.

Under the EFP, recreational anglers fishing from private vessels will have an 82-day season in federal waters and a 365-day season in state waters off the coast of Texas. Charter for-hire (CFH) vessels are not included in the EFP, therefore recreational anglers fishing on a charter trip will have roughly a 50-day season in federal waters.

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Texas Game Wardens Put Dent in Illegal Oystering Through Operation Secure Coastal Bend

AUSTIN – A multi-agency law enforcement surge operation led by Texas game wardens has made a sizable dent in illegal commercial oyster harvest and possession along the coastal bend this season, netting more than 300 criminal cases. A majority of the violations were for oystering in off-limits management areas designed to protect the resource, and for possession of undersized oysters.

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