CCA applauds Mississippi congressman’s efforts to halt destruction of marine habitat
These Gulf of Mexico platforms you see in this short film will soon be blown out of the water with “shape” charges killing everything on and around them and brought to the scrap yard. This senseless destruction must be stopped…
WASHINGTON, DC – At a breakfast briefing hosted by the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation this morning, Rep. Steven Palazzo (R-Miss.) presented the concerns of the recreational angling community over the Department of Interior’s controversial Idle Iron directive and closed by inviting fellow Congressmen to sign onto a letter requesting a moratorium on rig removals. Continue Reading

Progress continues on Cedar Bayou project
County approves engineering work, maintenance fund for restoration of pass
Work continues on the restoration of Cedar Bayou as a series of recent significant steps clears the way for sand to fly at the earliest possible moment. Aransas County has approved funding to complete final engineering and surveys for initial restoration of the pass and has also announced that it will annually allocate at least $50,000 to a Cedar Bayou Maintenance Fund, a critical component to keeping the pass open in the future. Continue Reading

Massive Oyster Restoration Slated for Galveston Bay
Governor Perry approves $3.2 million for oyster enhancement project
Houston, Texas – After months of process and effort, Governor Rick Perry has submitted a $3.2 million Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) grant project to US Fish and Wildlife for final approval. This grant request was created by CCA Texas in partnership with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). CCA Texas has pledged an additional $500,000 to increase the scope of this enormous reefing project. Continue Reading

CCA Texas Reefing Program Builds on Success
Organization’s commitment to marine habitat continues to grow
Houston, Texas – CCA Texas recently committed $100,000 to a new 160-acre nearshore reefing site located out of Packery Channel near Corpus Christi. This reef will be built in approximately 70-feet of water and will provide vital structure and easy angler access from popular offshore ports including Port Aransas and Corpus Christi. Continue Reading

CCA Texas Takes Bold Step in Opening Cedar Bayou
$500,000 pledge kicks off multi-million dollar fundraising campaign
Aransas County, Texas – The Coastal Conservation Association Texas recently announced a $500,000 matching grant to initiate a new push in generating the funding to open Aransas County’s Cedar Bayou and Vincent Slough. After decades of negative impacts from siltation and low water flows, an estimated $6.5M effort will be required to open the vital connection from Mesquite and Aransas Bays to the Gulf of Mexico. Continue Reading

CCA Applauds Council Action to Protect Gulf Habitat
Anglers have high hopes for debate over value of artificial structure
A motion made at the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council meeting last week in Mobile, Alabama, could be the first step to protecting what has been regarded as the largest man-made reef in the world – the vast forest of energy-related structures in the offshore waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Dr. Bob Shipp’s request to have Council staff clarify the definition of what qualifies as artificial structure could pave the way for rigs and other vital reefs to be classified as Essential Fish Habitat. Continue Reading

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