The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) Dickinson Bayou Wetlands Restoration Project will utilize a previously proven technology and conservation approach to maximize the restoration of up to 10 acres of intertidal marsh complex habitat and enhancement and protection for up to 17.7 acres of existing intertidal emergent marsh. This technology and conservation approach has been extensively used for restoring wetlands and enhancing fish and wildlife habitats during the widening and deepening of the Houston Ship Channel.
This project includes constructing approximately 2,405 linear feet of earthen containment berms and 1,818 linear feet of rock armored earthen berms to protect the 27.7 acre restoration site. Approximately 28,521 cubic yards of clay material will be used to construct three containment areas, and approximately 6,545 tons of limestone rock will be placed on the outer slopes of these earthen containment berms. Intertidal marsh complex will be created inside these containment units by mechanically or hydraulically dredging approximately 81,735 cubic yards of material from the shallow water areas within the main channel, designated as the project’s borrow site. These sediments will be placed at specific elevations to create intertidal and high level marsh habitat.
“Without this project,” said Jan Culbertson, Coastal Ecologist for TPWD Coastal Fisheries, “the existing marsh would be lost through conversion to open water habitat in the next 25 years.” Continue Reading
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